its not is it...the last melon...
someday i suppose yes
a yellow fruit halved on a board
beneath the board a blue cloth
an oval of seeds in each half
of the fruit
a knife juice dried on metal
overlapping cuts in the board
yellow flesh seeds drying
this fruit cut 2 days ago
none has touched
curtains open closed
day has lightened
night has dust has skin has
its not is it the last melon
a yellow fruit halved on a board
beneath the board a blue cloth
an oval of seeds in each half
of the fruit
a knife juice dried on metal
overlapping cuts in the board
yellow flesh seeds drying
this fruit cut 2 days ago
none has touched
curtains open closed
day has lightened
night has dust has skin has
its not is it the last melon
by Richard Zola
Looks like a dissection of an alien form. Very nicely done.